Hey everyone!
Just back at home now from college! Just building up to finishing off my web app essay! We had anoder meeting today with our company for our PR project! We had to talk to people in Dublin over Skype! Never used Skype before so it was a very new experience for me! Laura and I now have a fair idea what we are supposed to do for the company now so it isnt too bad. I actually cant wait until next week is over because that database exam that we have next Friday is kinda freaking me out! Im dreading it! It will be seriously hard i would say! Im going visiting my niece tonight i cant wait! Id say i will notice a big difference in the size of her now because i havent seen her in a week! Anyway i will end this on saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEE!!! Ave a good 1 pet! Your now twenteen!!!! Haha!
Motorists advised to avoid M50 after 'serious collision'
Motorists have been urged to avoid the M50 as "significant delays" are
likely following a crash this afternoon, with southbound lanes closed at
39 minutes ago